About This Site
Welcome to the Chronicles of Rylie Glen website. Books often have stories that shape the published pages but remain as margin notes, scraps of paper, and digital files accessible to just the author. I want to change all that by sharing every story in this series. I’ve already started. Take your time and discover the cities and characters of Rylie Glen, as they are posted.
The stories of Rylie Glen parallels with what is happening in our world today, lessons that we have yet to learn. This is one of the reasons why I am writing this series. We’ve lost the art of communication and civil discourse. The Chronicles of Rylie Glen is very timely, perhaps giving voice to some of the hopes and fears we share.
But I can’t be the only one contributing to these stories. So I extend an invitation. I am asking for your help to shape the world of Rylie Glen. There are opportunities to provide feedback on what I am writing. And then there are fourteen cities that need additional backstories and characters. Who knows… with your permission, your backstory may make it into one of the Chronicles of Rylie Glen books. Start by registering to this site. Choose your city and we’ll send a numbered birth certificate with your new “character” name.
My journey in writing this series is already well-documented, and I plan to share every detail with you. My blog provides insight for those desiring to be authors. I’ll point out things I learned, as well as the entire publishing and marketing process. I hope this encourages some of you to pick one of the cities and start writing your own story. I’ll provide guidelines and requirements, once we are ready to receive contributions.
No author has ever asked for help the way I have or built a website for readers to engage while the stories are a work in progress. So, let’s build something together. I’ll acknowledge every contribution and reward those who take the journey with me. Let’s make this OUR Chronicles of Rylie Glen.

— Author: Mike A. Arroyo
Every contribution made will be acknowledged and preserved. Let’s make this our Chronicles of Rylie Glen.

Author: Mike A Arroyo — An entrepreneur, and learning visionary, Mike spends his days reimagining how people consume online learning. But by night and early morning, with Willa, his sheep-a-doodle sidekick, he transports back to the island of Rylie Glen, where he chronicles the events that occur in the struggle to keep Bon Abbi free. There are more pages, background stories, maps, and timelines stored digitally than can fit into the released books. One day, they will be disclosed for all to review.
No longer bound to the early writing failures experienced back in college days, Mike gets ready for his writing time, promising his readers that they won’t have to wait long to read the next book in the series. He’s committed to publishing twenty books over the next three years and ask his readers to share their excitement about The Chronicles of Rylie Glen series!

Artist: Jaromir Hrivnac — Jaromir was born in Czechoslovakia in 1987, but the country separated as Czechia and Slovakia six years later. He is now a Czech, even though both countries, Czechia and Slovakia, remain close.
Studying engineering and graphic design, Jaromir’s passion for art was undeniable. He embraced the role of an illustrator for the last ten years, which led him to work on several board games — Banners of Bandar from Ludavus, RONE from Bonjour games, Forsaken board game, and Ice kingdoms.
He recently ventured into book illustrations, connecting with Mike A Arroyo, the author of the Chronicles of Rylie Glen. Looking at two illustrations convinced Mike that Jaromir was a kindred spirit. Before long, Jaromir became the official illustrator for all of the up and coming Chronicles of Rylie Glen books in the series.
Jaromir is also working on his own novel and graphic design based on Slav ancient mythology. Preferring to the peace and quiet of the country, he draws inspiration from the ruins of medieval castles and fortresses on almost every hill around him.
Jaromir lives in a small town called Opava with his fiance and two dogs. Please review his gallery at https://www.deviantart.com/quintuscassius and https://www.artstation.com/quintusc. He can be reached at quintuscs@gmail.com.

Artist: Monsters Ink — The flat illustrations of the characters found on the People page were created by Monsters Ink. Medieval themes and characters were a new genre for this artist, who ventured into this project without reservations.
Together, Monsters Ink and the author forged the images of the main people of Rylie Glen, long before the storyline was written. These illustrations made the saga come alive.
A few of the characters on the People page were created by the author, based on the previous illustrations by Monsters Ink. The process was time-consuming, requiring a lot of patience, and a great illustrator’s eye. Consider leaving this type of work to a professional, to this artist, specifically.
Monsters Ink is the best flat illustrator and highly recommended, as well as the official flat illustrator for the Rylie Glen stories. He is easy to work with, cost effective, and delivers on time. Use this link to review samples of his work: MonstersInk on Fiverr

City Logos: Lobotz — Lobotz is passionate about logo designing. Partnering with the Rylie Glen project, they provided all of the city logos presented on the home page. They offer premade, high quality and exclusive logos at affordable prices, which are sold to a single owner.
We encourage your to go to their site, choose an exclusive logo as your family crest. Soon, you’ll be able to post your selection at RylieGlen.com and share why you made your choice. https://www.lobotz.com