The People in the Stories

Select a Backstory for Characters in Rylie Glen

Becoming Josah Evermore

Becoming Josah Evermore

Michael John Mayweather watched his brother brutally murdered, only to be captured and sold as an indentured servant by the very same people. His new life began on the Molly Red, a tall ship owned

How Luka Dey Changed History

How Luka Dey Changed History

Casselberry was the first city established on Rylie Glen. Lord Lydal Henry Rylie convinced the Casselberry family to travel with him to the island. After some discussion, they decided to settle down in Rylie Glen.

Men Like Graybard are Rare

Men Like Graybard are Rare

Gray the Bard is a Buberran, a gifted warrior hired by Casselberry to build the ultimate army. He grew up in the artisan village, watched as his father forged weapons and managed the other tradespeople.