
To the northeast of Liez is Buberra. There are three sister cities, North and South and West, that border the largest body of fresh water named “Morna.” Unlike other cities, Buberra has no external sea ports and relies on Liez to ship their goods.  Yet, with many ports into Morna’s fresh water, Buberra harvests fresh fish which is sent to Liez.

The largest city, North Buberra, established a direct merchant route to
Liez, years ago, called “Hegira Road.” Crops from the farmlands along the west coast of Morna are shipped across the lake to the main city. There they collect all exports, load them on wagons, and then transport everything to the McKanzel docks in Liez.

There is a bitter rivalry between North and South Buberra. North Buberra builds the ships used to transport goods and produce to their docks for export. But South Buberra challenges the water passages between the two cities. They attack the northern ships when they can, often to annoy their sister city, a reflection of the time spent with Karune.

Buberrans are fearless warriors and gifted artisans. They wear the traditional three rings on their left ear, midway down the ear. As they mature, Buberrans earn each ring by demonstrating feats of strength, courage, and commitment.

North Buberra has many artisans, especially those working with metals. South Buberra is smaller and straddles the border with Karune. The latter ship Karunian natural ore to the artisans in North Buberra.

However, Liez wants to capitalize on the Buberran military prowess. They sent several Buberrans to train and lead the army of Casselberry, starting with Gray the Bard, or “Graybard.” Fearless and relentless, Graybard ruled with the army in Casselberry with absolute authority until he went missing.

More details coming soon.

Written by Mike Arroyo

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