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There are currently 2 People in this directory beginning with the letter R.
There are currently 25 Cities in this directory
Bon Abbi
Known as the sanctuary or safe-haven city, Bon Abbi is located at the end of King’s Road. Situated between the Filgore and Alder Wood Mountain Range, is one long Wall constructed to keep their people safe from the marauding bears of Midland. When the Evermores arrived in Bon Abbi, the gate and walls needed repair. Bon Abbi has no defensive skills or weapons, as the other cities agreed to a signed declaration that no one would ever seek to overtake Bon Abbi. They have the largest landmass, which includes the Plains of Vandeer, the Outerbanks, and seven villages with significant farms. Fertile lands, plenty of water, and a protected valley make them desirable by those who wish to conquer the city.
Bordar (Territory)
Every village has at least one bordar, or landowner, who manages multiple farms. The bordar provides the hides, tools, and food to employ workers. The land belongs to the city proper but is leased out to bordars to manage and produce food.
Lake Morna, a sizeable fresh body of water, separates Buberra East and West. Those north of the lake consists of artisans who build weapons and is also home to their marketplace. To the west of the lake is the farming community, while the fishing community is to the east. Located south of the lake is a small group, working for Karune. They take the mined minerals and supply them to the artisans, who then trade with Karune.
Burg (Territory)
A region that has ten to twenty hides and at least one bordar forms a burg. Burgs tend to have a local smithy and a few trades, but no marketplaces.
Thought to be the oldest city on the isle of Rylie Glen, Casselberry bears the name of its founder. Having died, the Robion clan was selected to rule the city. Rumors were that Liez, the city south of them on East Mainland influenced the choice. Casselberry has been building an army, with designs to take control of the entire island.
City (Territory)
Any centralized location with many people, sustaining a full market, and trades is a city. They tend to encourage hides, bordars, and villages to become established around its territories.
The first burg between Southport and Casselberry, Cornor is known for its pubs. They avoid the taxes of Casselberry while welcoming travels who sail to Southport. Cornor Square is where Luka Dey murdered Nolan Baye, son to Rando Mayweather, and heir to Bon Abbi.
The smallest village in Bon Abbi, Henley is located on the far northwest side of Bon Abbi. Bordering the Alder Woods, Henley is influential. It’s home to one Council member as well as Bashan and his magnificent horses.
Hide (Territory)
A hide is a cottage, whether owned by or leased to a family, with enough property to sustain a family of four.
At one time, Karune was a prosperous city. The Fallen Watchers, who mated with the women of Karune, caused the Ancient One to curse all the Fallen who are eternal beings now trapped in human bodies. Eos, the leader of the Fallen, wore all the crystals of creation. As punishment for his rebellion, the crystals blended and formed the Krysmorta crystal, used to entrap him for eternity.
Situated on the northwest side of East Mainland, Liez is a traditional city, built on principles of noble families and absolute rule. Lord Vilo Dey Nota controls all Liez and has the largest fleet, kept in Lila Bay. Hegira (long journey) Road leads to Buberra, the only trade route between the two cities.
Los Terra
The southernmost city on West Mainland, Los Terran’s are a people ruled by representatives in districts. Los Terran’s are known for bravery and courage. They are warriors who have explored beyond the sea boundaries. Ahnoro, the ruler of this nation city, was elected, meeting with all the districts every month. They are bronzed-skin people who express who they are or hope to be through creative tattoos on their faces.
Mainland, East
The landmass southeast of Rylie Glen is East Mainland. Mountain ranges are natural barriers between the three cities: Liez, Buberra, and Karune, from West to East. Liez, the second largest city, on either mainland, has developed two ports, promoting commerce between other territories. Buberra surrounds the largest freshwater body of water called ‘Lake Morna.’ South of the lake is Karune, a mysterious city that has no other connection, except to Buberrans living south of the lake.
Mainland, West
The landmass southwest of Rylie Glen in West Mainland, consists of Mercil, Newgil, Rueland, and Los Terra. Weshaven, on the far west coast, can only be found when invited by residents. Mercil, the largest city in all the territories, is known for its shipbuilding skills and education, while Newgil produces fish hatcheries and land innovations. Rueland, the smallest of cities, is where entrepreneurs and innovators thrive, often in demand by various cities to help expand, build, and transform cities. Los Terra is very territorial, and the residents are known as warriors and explorers.
The largest city in West Mainland, Mercil is known for its educational centers and shipbuilding. They have the largest market in all the lands. But the people are in transition, sometimes embracing equality while holding on to the class of nobles. Mercil Bay is the business pier, while Port Skyla is along the west coast. Most of the histories and clans started in Mercil.
Halfway between Casselberry and Bon Abbi is the city of Midland, ruled by Lord Tao. The name reflects their position on Casselberry’s aggressiveness against Bon Abbi. Not wanting to offend Lord Luka but supporting Bon Abbi, Lord Tao uses an army to deter any interest from Luka. The city requires a reason for entry. Some people bypass the city when traveling to Neardore on the east, or Bon Abbi on the west.
The city closest to Casselberry is Neardore. Casselberry appointed a leader and has forcefully annexed by the larger city. They have no walls and depend on Casselberry to provide protection.
Located on the east coast of West Mainland is Newgil, an agriculture and fishery center. Known for canals, waterwheels, and fish hatcheries, their people are industrious and gifted in working with wildlife. They have a small port, usually ignored by the larger cities but frequented by Captain Munro and the Molly Red.
The furthest northern city on Rylie Glen is Northport. Originally designed as a learning center, Northport became the home of the Chroniclers, those with unique gifts, called to record history. They have the most extensive libraries on Rylie Glen, rivaling those of Mercil. The Beo Aris Memorial Parkway, housing groves of trees with blue flowers, mark every Chronicler who has died. Many of them were martyrs, killed while in service.
Found along the east coast of West Mainland, Rueland is home to tinkers, inventors, and construction experts. The Rueland territory is vast, but only a small area has settlements. Their city may be small, but it boasts unusual buildings and one-of-a-kind structures, including wind-powered mills, waterwheels, and other innovations.
Rylie Glen
The island north of both East and West Mainland is Rylie Glen. The Filgore and Alder Woods Mountain range naturally divide the land into six cities. Bon Abbi is known for its fertile farmlands, natural resources, and wild horses. The mountains on either side protect them from the hot, dry summers and cold winters. Alder Woods and its mountain range extend the entire west coast, ending at the southern Marshes of Orrimorn. Midland and Neardore often battle marauding bears, wild boar, and other animals that make farming a challenge.
Original just a pier for docking ships, merchants built warehouses and a marketplace, making Southport one of the busiest cities. They are the first city visited when guests arrive in Rylie Glen, which is a source of contention with Casselberry. While Southport avoids all Casselberry taxes, they don’t know how to keep Luka and his soldiers from “recruiting” their young men into the Casselberry army.
The largest farming village in Bon Abbi, their proximity offers advantages the others don’t have. Dali, pub owner, and a council member has unlimited access to Eva Marie. Tuva is home to Tomas, the owner of the horses and carriage that first carried Eva Marie and Theotello to Midland.
There are currently 21 Locations in this directory
The second largest village in the Bon Abbi Territories, the bordars of Abadeen manage the farmlands north and south of the main road, as well as the land surrounding Yazu. This village is home to Ezra, one of the Council of Seven.
This is the name given to the barn with a goat painted, the meeting place for those who followed Ezra. The name comes from latin, meaning 'policy,' referring to a place offering counsel, or providing advice.
Filgore Mountains
From the shores of Southport, stretched northward are the Filgore Mountains. They are the tallest on the island, an impenetrable barrier separating Bon Abbi and Casselberry territories. The range continues northeast, separating Midland and Bon Abbi up to Bon Abbi city proper. From there, a wall begins, which extends westward toward the Alder Woods mountain range.
Filgore Valley
Somewhere, west of Cornor, the last burg between Casselberry and Southport, is an entrance leading into the Filgore Valley. The mountains protect an ancient forest, abundant with wildlife, and home to the Dragoons, the legendary wild cats, who are one meter tall, strong, agile, and deadly. Josah and the Evermores are the only people to have ever navigated through the Valley and survived.
Gilly Run
With its source high in the Alder Woods mountain range, the river Gilley Run flows down and across the border of Bon Abbi, parallel to the Wall. A natural barrier due to its broad and powerful stream of water, the river continues to the base of the Filgore Mountains, then follows the lowlands, emptying into the waters of Lake Marablain, the largest freshwater lake on Rylie Glen.
The last village, and the farthest west, Henley has fertile farmlands, with access to the Outer Banks, pristine, fertile land. Marvis Addewid, who leads the Council, manages this village and fosters goodwill to the Lost Tribe of Avala.
King's Road
The main road on the island, King's Road, connects all the cities and its territories, starting at Southport, then continuing through Casselberry, Neardore, Midland, and Bon Abbi. Of note, King's Road bypasses Northport, which has a road leading to Bon Abbi. The name suggests that at one time, a king ruled the island, but that history remained lost until the discovery of the 'Lost Chronicles' found in Bon Abbi.
Lila Bay
The city of Liez maintains its large fleet in Lila Bay. Unlike Liez Bay, which is accessible by other vessels, Lord Vilo and his fleet harbor in Lila Bay. Located on the west coast of Liez, the bay offers immediate access into the Mainland Straits separating the two landmasses. Across the Strait on West Mainland is Liez's rival city, Mercil, and its main port.
Plains of Vandeer
A large swath of land southeast of Tuva. Known for its rolling terrain nearest the Filgore Mountains, it is home to the wild horses which roam free in the area. The villages of Bon Abbi release many of their working horses into the Plains, once harvest is over. The Plains continue north up to the Wall, transforming to the Palouse, an area of undulating hills, wildflowers, and groves.
Portu Leni
This bay, where Cuda Tae and the bandits hide out, is located in the Straits, southeast of Rueland on the East Mainland land mass.
Pouring Rain Pub
An eating establishment in Cornor, the Pouring Rain Pub is owned by a man honored by Lord Rando Mayweather. One of several places in Pub's Row, those arriving in Southport, often stopped to eat and drink before continuing to Casselberry. Local merchants frequented the pubs, including the soldiers of Casselberry, who have taken to “recruiting” young men into their army.
Puerto Pesca
This is a Newgil port where ships conducted transactions, primarily for cargo, including fish.
Puerto Verde
This is another Newgil port strictly for ships transporting people to and from the city.
Another village on the west, Richland follows Waylow, larger in population and farmland. Planting occurs on both sides of the main road.
Rona Island
An island north of the Liez Bay and home to the Evermores and their fleet. Captain Munro purchased the land from Treynor McKanzel, long before they became competitors. The island forms a natural channel leading into Liez Bay, exiting out at the narrow straits east of the island. Liez has so far honored its long-time pledge not to regulate the island, but that could quickly change.
This is the entry port for Rylie Glen. Ships from Liez, Mercil, Newgil, and Rueland sail their way to deliver cargo and people. They are outside the jurisdiction of Casselberry and high taxes. Vendor and ships for hire store cargo in warehouses, trying to attract people. Vendors attempt to travel to other cities, but Casselberry entry and exit fees make it impossible. Cornor is their only burg, home to Pub's Row, where people eat and drink before entering Casselberry.
One of the smaller villages in the Bon Abbi territories, Waylow is near Tuva. The further west, the less influence Bon Abbi has on the people. Known for their lentil wheat fields, farms tend to have less free time due to extra work they must perform. Their name refers to the fact that all their farmlands are south, or below, the main road.
Captain Munro’s Ships
There are currently 9 Ships in this directory
One of three sloops in the Evermore fleet, Claradell’s name means ‘bright and beautiful.’ A sloop is a smaller, single-mast vessel, typically used to transport light cargo between ports quickly. This type of ship cannot sail into open waters. While it offered speed, the Claradell, and the other two sloops owned by the Evermores, sails along the coasts, crossing over between the Mainlands, in the Straits, south of Liez. Four crew are aboard this ship, including the Captain.
Meaning ‘hardworking,’ the Emeline is a Knarr ship and one of two in the Evermore fleet. Knarrs are working vessels designed to carry large and heavy cargo. Long and broad, the Emeline and Talula are employed to transport building materials, foundations stone, logs, and hardware. There is thirteen crew, counting the Captain, aboard this ship.
The first ship Josah ever sailed on his own. Although he ended up ramming the ship into the pier on Rona Island, sailing it is still a fond memory for him. Captain Munro later sold the vessel to the McKanzels. Josah named his Dragoon ‘Ena’ (which means ‘nobility or well-born’) after the name of this ship.
A caravel ship, the Griffin is a smaller version of the Molly Red. Riding deep in the water gives it the ability to cut through rough seas. The Griffin can sail fast and into the wind. Its construction includes thicker planking, three broad-beamed masts, with both square and triangular sails. ‘Griffin’ means ‘strong lord,’ after the mythical creature of half eagle and lion. There is eighteen crew, including the Captain, working on this ship.
Hedda Spree
The second and more significant of the sloops in the Evermore fleet, Hedda Spree is known for its speed. With its name meaning ‘refuge in war,’ this vessel has escaped many potential conflicts. The ship often carries contraband, outrunning those regulating shipments. Four crew and a Captain are aboard this ship.
The third sloop in the Evermore fleet sails mainly from Rona Island to Rueland. Whenever builders need to travel to other cities, this ship carries them to Mercil or Liez Bay. The name Masie means ‘pearl.’ A crew of four is needed to operate this ship.
Molly Red
The star of the Evermore fleet is the Molly Red, a carrack vessel. It is long and broad, capable of carrying heavy cargo. The ship has multiple masts and square sails. Once moving, the Molly Red dominates the seas with its speed. The hull is cavernous for those heavy loads, with many levels and decks. The red whale merging out of the water is her symbol. With twenty crew, the Molly Red is a formidable vessel.
Meaning ‘leaping water,’ this is the second Knarr vessel in the Evermore fleet. Heavy cargo causes the ship to leap as it cuts through the waves. These large cargo ships are broad and designed mostly to carry heavy load between East and West Mainlands. The Emeline and Talula only transport legitimate cargo as they could never out sail most vessels. But because of their massive weight, ramming another ship would inflict severe damage. It takes seventeen crew, counting the Captain, to sail this ship.
A brigantine ship, the Willowese is the fastest ship in the Evermore fleet. The Willowese has fifteen crewmembers, including the Captain, but can transport one hundred people or carry huge loads. With square rigging on the foremast and fore-and-aft rigging on the mainmast, this vessel rides high in the water, making it easy to maneuver and very fast. It often carries contraband, both objects, and people.
There are currently 4 Titles in this directory
Fallen of Karune
Originally, they were Watchers who observed humankind. However, they struck a deal with the humans in Karune, giving the humans power in exchange for allowing the Watchers to mate with Karune’s females. Compromising their calling and led by Eros, the Ancient One merged all the crystals of creation into Krysmorta, encased Eos, and cast him into the depths of Bojafalla. Those who followed Eos were cursed to remain in human form, feeling all the physical frailty but never dying.
Chronicler Gifts
There are currently 4 Gifts in this directory
Not all Chroniclers record history. Some Chroniclers pour over the writings to maintain their accuracy after recording an event. Dotek is the gift of encountering a person’s history through the touch of a hand. It allows the Chronicler to see the facts firsthand, as it occurred. It enables them to discern whether to record the past.
This gift of discerning intention is the most common and shared by all Chroniclers. It enables them to know individual intent, but not necessarily the associated details. For the unfortunate with evil intentions, the touch of the Chroniclers inflicts painful, burning sensations. For all others, it leaves a warm feeling.
Common Terms
Other Terms
Measurements and Time
There are currently 5 Terms in this directory